Tag #: 67628
Description: New CID SBCNS piston motor swing boom SSL cutter, 17-30 GPM is required, 44" cut, 4" cutting capacity, requires case drain, 96" reach when extended horizontally, vertical reach of 16', cutter can also swing to right side and be used as a side cutter. 3" x 16" tilt cylinders, ⅝" AR400 blades, includes 14 pin wire harness controller. Optional 8 pin harness (same price). Optional 7 pin harness for Bobcat (add $570). Weighs 1189 lbs. Lists at $12,460. Includes factory freight to dealer. Click here to view video of cutter. Note: This swing boom cutter has been sold, but please call for current price and availability of a new unit. 10/09/2024
S.N.: 239562
Only $10,590
Call 651-437-4435 or 1-800-770-4634 for more details.