Werner Implement, Inc. | 119 Main Street East | Vermillion, MN 55085 | 651.437.4435 | 1.800.770.4634
Under construction!
This is the third page of photos in our construction album.

Once work on the superstructure began, the building's shape progressed rapidly. By May 12, the roof trusses were bolted into place and workers began tieing everything together. On May 16, the west wall of the building was nearly covered with steel siding. Within another day or two, the south and east sides were completed and then workers installed the steel ceiling, covered that with heavy blankets of insulation and then screwed on the roof. By the end of May, crews were painting the building's entire superstructure. While this was proceeding rapidly, other crews were hammering out the concrete in Ron Naylor's shop in preparation for converting it into a wash bay. Watching his shop being jackhammered was a traumatic experience for Ron, who spent the past 29 years repairing hay equipment in his private domain. At the same time, electrical workers and plumbers had dug trenches inside the building and installed plastic pipes to what will be the new bathroom and electical lines to various sections of the building. Work continued elsewhere, as well. The old concrete apron the east side of the old building was removed, revealing areas in the concrete block foundation that required repair work. By early June, workers were removing steel siding from the west side of the old building so that new siding can be installed. Photos on this page were taken during mid-May through the first week of June 2015.

To simplify viewing, we've created pages, much like a photo album. The link to the next page is on the bottom of each page.

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